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  • Project Research
  • 1-5 Chapters
  • Quantitative
  • Simple Percentage
  • Abstract : Available
  • Table of Content: Available
  • Reference Style: APA
  • Recommended for : Student Researchers
  • NGN 5000

Background Of The Study

The introduction of the internet has revolutionized the way we interact with people as well as in the process of sharing information and knowledge (Sobowale, Amodu, Aririguzoh, and Ekanem, 2015). According to Oyero (2007), the internet has had a significant impact on society, commerce (businesses), and government.Significantly, the internet through social media has enhanced socio-economic growth and development in both developed nations and developing countries. According to Amodu (2008), the introduction of ICTs in any community or nation generally engenders unpresented levels of transformation. Oso (2011) pinpointed that one of the requisite of the social media is the view that they are seen as the strategic tool for economic advancement, that is they can contribute to cultural, human, social, political and economic development of a nation. Among these social media outlets who facilitate development in an economy is the twitter.

Twitter is a platform for acquiring knowledge, attaining information and enabling communication between people. This has helped human lives in numerous ways. Twitter is seen as a market place for ideas and creativity (Danbatta, 2017). The implication of twitter on humans and the society has gone beyond the exchange of information but has become a powerful communicative force in politics, economy, religion and educational realms of the society (Onyejelem, Ude-Akpeh & Uduma, 2015).

For businesses to experience growth, expansion and revenue, they need to engage in communication ads to gain existing and new customers. That is, they need brand awareness and development to reach potential customers and one way to achieve this is through the use of social media platforms. The twitter to this end has been essentially used by corporate and non corporate businesses in Nigeria for carrying out operational activities which has led to the growth and development of those businesses.  Twitter has also served as a source of income for many Nigerian youths who carry out one economic activity or the other on the platform. More so, the presence of Twitter in Nigeria has in the past years encouraged foreign investment in the country.

However, as at 5th June 2021, Nigeria joined other countries in the suspension of Twitter operations in its own country. Following the indefinite suspension of Twitter on 5th June 2021 in Nigeria by the Federal Government and as announced by the Minister of Information, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, global voices have reacted in varied ways concerning the implications such a ban could have on the country’s fledgling economy (Vanguard news.com). Hence, the unforeseen economic implications of this erratic decision by the Nigerian Government instigated this study. This study therefore seeks to investigate and examine the effect of the Twitter ban on the economy of Nigeria.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Statement Of The Problem

Highlighting the implications of the Twitter ban in Nigeria, the suspension is assumed to come with its own different negative impacts on an economy that is currently struggling to find its bearing (Vanguard, 2021). According to the online newspaper, "The ripple effect of the ban will impact economic activities, some of which are sources of income for millions of young Nigerians. The suspension will also affect online news platforms that leverage Twitter to extend their reach and bring news closer to the people. " For telecoms, the suspension will result in a dip in data revenue as Twitter remains one of the most popular social media platforms in Nigeria. It further stated that the platform has provided employment opportunities for young Nigerians. "The popularity of the social media platform has seen a growing number of young Nigerian influencers who are often recruited by public relations companies to promote brands. Hence the suspension of Twitter will halt their sources of income and also affect the reach of these brands." aside from the above mentioned sectors affected by the suspension of Twitter in Nigeria, other essential sectors are likely to be affected by this execution. Hence this form the bases for this study.


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